Afternoon Tea The Fruity Cook: Irish Blog Awards 2008, Food and Drink from the Land of Saints and Scholars

Monday, March 03, 2008

Irish Blog Awards 2008, Food and Drink from the Land of Saints and Scholars

There's a lot of self-righteous nonsense posted on the Irish blogosphere about

It's a great relief to see one blogger who cuts through all the malarchy
and makes us laugh rather than rant.

I wandered like a lost soul at the Blog Awards,
looking for Bock the Robber.
The fact that I could see next to nothing in
the deep Stygian Gloom towards the end of the
hall means that I'm going to have to go again next year.

Can't wait...

1 comment:

David T. Macknet said...

Any excuse, huh? ;)

I'm so glad that you got to do this for the Irish Blog Community! And for you, of course.